offer of up to a million dollars to stop the demolition in order to work toward a swift and effective solution that will both benefit FWS's mission and the preservation of The Pink House. This can bring more landowners forward locally in MA and New England and could lead to several new possibilities nationwide, as well as be a way to revisit the existing solutions.
Keeping the house standing would also serve to retain the monetary value of the PH acre for trade, and save the cost to demolish the house, the budget for the planned parking/bench area and its ongoing monitoring and maintenance. Instead, a portion of the funds can now be used to secure the house for winter and cover any safety and security expenses while a beneficial and permanent solution is found.
This is a reason to take a new path, the chance to be more targeted and efficient for all we have learned, and a way to resolve The Pink House for us all in time for that 100th birthday next year.
We hope FWS will work together on a new, efficient, and lasting solution
Keeping the house standing would also serve to retain the monetary value of the PH acre for trade, and save the cost to demolish the house, the budget for the planned parking/bench area and its ongoing monitoring and maintenance. Instead, a portion of the funds can now be used to secure the house for winter and cover any safety and security expenses while a beneficial and permanent solution is found.
This is a reason to take a new path, the chance to be more targeted and efficient for all we have learned, and a way to resolve The Pink House for us all in time for that 100th birthday next year.
We hope FWS will work together on a new, efficient, and lasting solution

We are utterly devastated and heartbroken by Fish & Wildlife/Parker River’s decision to go ahead with the process of demolition which is set to follow the remediation work which started today. Parker River only notified elected officials this morning once remediation contractors were already on the premises to begin work.
It’s a devastating loss for the community and we continue to feel that demolishing or removing the house from the site is shortsighted and unnecessary. We were not informed despite several inquiries to the offices of Parker River.
We have been doing everything we can to stop this process, including meetings with Senator Markey’s office in recent weeks to urge them to continue the search for a land swap parcel, so that our agreement with Parker River / FWS to save and restore the house on the site could be honored. We still feel that Fish & Wildlife is making a tragic mistake by not taking the opportunity to trade the valuable 1 acre the house sits on for potentially thousands of acres of new conservation land.
We do not feel all avenues were truly explored by Fish & Wildlife and we are angered by their disregard for the community who supports them.
We also want to make clear our reasons for not bidding on or moving the house. We formed to represent the community who by and large wanted to see it remain on the site, which is as iconic. where it sits so beautifully in all seasons for passers by to enjoy. We did a very deep look into nearby locations, costs and logistics to move it and none were feasible. We have published a blog with the details and written sent all those details to elected officials and on September 30, published them on our blog. We believe the auction functioned as a bit of a smoke screen that confused the public.
We want all to know that we not done trying; We will continue to pursue our mission as long as the house stands. We strongly encourage all of you to do the same. Please continue to let Parker River National Wildlife Refuge know how you feel, as well as our all elected officials- federal, state and municipal.
We are utterly devastated and heartbroken by Fish & Wildlife/Parker River’s decision to go ahead with the process of demolition which is set to follow the remediation work which started today. Parker River only notified elected officials this morning once remediation contractors were already on the premises to begin work.
It’s a devastating loss for the community and we continue to feel that demolishing or removing the house from the site is shortsighted and unnecessary. We were not informed despite several inquiries to the offices of Parker River.
We have been doing everything we can to stop this process, including meetings with Senator Markey’s office in recent weeks to urge them to continue the search for a land swap parcel, so that our agreement with Parker River / FWS to save and restore the house on the site could be honored. We still feel that Fish & Wildlife is making a tragic mistake by not taking the opportunity to trade the valuable 1 acre the house sits on for potentially thousands of acres of new conservation land.
We do not feel all avenues were truly explored by Fish & Wildlife and we are angered by their disregard for the community who supports them.
We also want to make clear our reasons for not bidding on or moving the house. We formed to represent the community who by and large wanted to see it remain on the site, which is as iconic. where it sits so beautifully in all seasons for passers by to enjoy. We did a very deep look into nearby locations, costs and logistics to move it and none were feasible. We have published a blog with the details and written sent all those details to elected officials and on September 30, published them on our blog. We believe the auction functioned as a bit of a smoke screen that confused the public.
We want all to know that we not done trying; We will continue to pursue our mission as long as the house stands. We strongly encourage all of you to do the same. Please continue to let Parker River National Wildlife Refuge know how you feel, as well as our all elected officials- federal, state and municipal.
Rally to Save The Pink House!
Plus New ACTION items below
SUMMARY: U.S. Fish & Wildlife's Decision to Remove The Pink House
On March 21, 2024, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife (FWS) announced their intention to proceed with their plan to remove The Pink House from the land at 60 Plum Island Turnpike, after declaring that land trade options had been exhausted.
This announcement came after eight years of Support The Pink House Inc (STPH) working tirelessly to find a solution to save the house - included paying all expenses required by the Fish & Wildlife to prepare the house for trade. Read more here.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife's new plan is to possibly put the house up for auction so it can be moved away from the property. This is an option which has been proposed since 2015 but is not popular with the community, nor is it very realistic.
Demolishing the Pink House will result in our community forever losing a beloved iconic landmark. A landmark that brings economic benefits to our area as it attracts visitors, photographers, painters, and other artisans to our local towns. The Pink House is an asset of the United States. Demolishing it is also counter to the FWS's mission to work with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
UPDATE: As of July 10, 2024, The Pink House was listed for Auction through the General Services Administration (GSA), and closed on August 15th, 2024 at 8:00 AM ET. As expected, There were no bids, and no one attended the 3 open houses. This is not because people don't want the house, but because: 1. It's cost and logistically prohibitive, 2. The setting is as iconic as The Pink House, and 3. FWS greatly misrepresented The Pink House to be unsafe and unsalveagble, so did themselves a disservice. This was an exercise more for optics, and to save FWS the estimated $50,000-90,000 to demolish the house. Regardless, Support the Pink House explored every abutting property and followed up on every suggestion for options nearby, spoke to town water and sewer, house moving and foundation companies and several builders just to be certain we had done everything possible.
This announcement came after eight years of Support The Pink House Inc (STPH) working tirelessly to find a solution to save the house - included paying all expenses required by the Fish & Wildlife to prepare the house for trade. Read more here.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife's new plan is to possibly put the house up for auction so it can be moved away from the property. This is an option which has been proposed since 2015 but is not popular with the community, nor is it very realistic.
Demolishing the Pink House will result in our community forever losing a beloved iconic landmark. A landmark that brings economic benefits to our area as it attracts visitors, photographers, painters, and other artisans to our local towns. The Pink House is an asset of the United States. Demolishing it is also counter to the FWS's mission to work with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
UPDATE: As of July 10, 2024, The Pink House was listed for Auction through the General Services Administration (GSA), and closed on August 15th, 2024 at 8:00 AM ET. As expected, There were no bids, and no one attended the 3 open houses. This is not because people don't want the house, but because: 1. It's cost and logistically prohibitive, 2. The setting is as iconic as The Pink House, and 3. FWS greatly misrepresented The Pink House to be unsafe and unsalveagble, so did themselves a disservice. This was an exercise more for optics, and to save FWS the estimated $50,000-90,000 to demolish the house. Regardless, Support the Pink House explored every abutting property and followed up on every suggestion for options nearby, spoke to town water and sewer, house moving and foundation companies and several builders just to be certain we had done everything possible.
It’s inconceivable that a solution has not been accepted by FWS. They have had plenty of time and plenty of options, and we're mystified as to why they couldn't, or wouldn't, allow one to work -- and reap all the benefits to their mission they said it would produce. Their criteria kept changing and becoming more restrictive, eventually making the land trade solution become impossible by their own creation. In the past few months, we have brought them as many as 17 options that seemed to fit their criteria, several of which were seriously considered, but all ended up being rejected.
As long as the Pink House is still standing, we’re still standing strong!
We're not giving up and we hope you won't either!
Taking down the house or moving it remains to be a bad idea:
As long as the Pink House is still standing, we’re still standing strong!
We're not giving up and we hope you won't either!
Taking down the house or moving it remains to be a bad idea:
- The evidence of public support to keep the house standing in place and see it restored according to our plan is overwhelming. The people have spoken: They have called and written to Moulton, Markey and Warren's offices, and given 6,200+ signatures between petition and cards so far. We have 8,000 Social Media Followers and a mailing list growing daily. They are elected to represent and respond to that kind of outpouring but any communications have been met with a singular backing of the Federal Agency their web home pages advertise they are there to help their constituents with.
- This is an Asset of the United States which has been allowed to fall into disrepair by the agency.
- Neither U.S. Fish & Wildlife's proposal to demo TPH and either put a few benches and plaques with a parking lot or let it return to grass is the best use of a nearly half a million dollar asset, paid for by our tax dollars. When The Pink House is removed, the lot will plummet in value from between $4-500K to approx $40K within 2 years, due to becoming unbuildable.Add the $5K spent on their environmental assessment, and their estimate of $50-90K to demolish the house and that is over half a million dollars of tax payer money wasted, when it could go to further their mission to conserve more useful land.
Why is The Pink House Important?
- CULTURAL ICON - inspiring thousands of artists, photographers, and visitors per year
- ECONOMIC DRIVER - bringing interest and increasing tourism to the area
- HOUSE HAZARD CONDITION IRRELEVANT - The house CAN be restored by professionals who are fully aware of its condition. STPH's Restoration Partner or any restorer can tackle any issues after the swap including any mold, asbestos, etc.
- WASTE OF A VALUABLE ASSET - Demolishing the Pink House would result in the FWS forgoing close to $500,000 that could be utilized to save land that truly has highly ecological value and serves the FWS mission (see below).
CALL ELECTED OFFICIALS, Congressman Moulton, ASK them to:
Thank you for asking what more you can do. Every little bit is worth it, now more than ever! If you haven't already, please SIGN OUR PETITION HERE
Pls. SHARE the petition: Copy/Paste this link into your own social media: Email it, text it, DM it! Thanks!
WE need A LOT of letters arriving all the time! Your letters will keep the conversation going, and that is a valuable contribution.
Please fill out the Volunteer section on our website contact page!
Read our News Blog regularly on our website.
Join our Newsletter we do not share your information!
CALL ELECTED OFFICIALS, Congressman Moulton, ASK them to:
- WORK WITH STPH to solve this efficiently instead of favoring FWS. They represent YOU not FWS.
- ASK FWS to accept land already offered
- OR get the Secretary of Interior to declare it surplus, where FWS will still get market value (eliminates the need for swap land)
- OR write a bill ---or be open to the bill STPH's attorneys can provide
- THIS WILL BE A WIN for ALL -- the elected officials, FWS and the community.
Thank you for asking what more you can do. Every little bit is worth it, now more than ever! If you haven't already, please SIGN OUR PETITION HERE
Pls. SHARE the petition: Copy/Paste this link into your own social media: Email it, text it, DM it! Thanks!
WE need A LOT of letters arriving all the time! Your letters will keep the conversation going, and that is a valuable contribution.
- Newburyport Daily News: 400-words through their online form at:
- Boston Globe: 200-word letters should be sent exclusively to the Globe at [email protected], and must include the sender’s name, address, and phone number. They will only contact you (within 10 days max) if they are going to use yours. Please keep trying!
- Write to any local paper! The further the word goes, the better. We have signatures from people all over New England wanting to keep The Pink House.
- You are opposed to the demolition or auction (thus must be moved) and want the Fish & Wildlife Service to accept an offered land swap. The FWS will collect many benefits, and to let STPH’s Partner restore it.
- Businesses benefit from TPH bringing people here from everywhere, who then shop, eat, rent or buy here, especially in the off-season.
- You’re an artist who supplements their income from Pink House art.
- How culture, architecture, history and nature make the area unique and are part of why you live and pay taxes here.
- Your cause earned money through Pink House Art at a fundraiser/charity event.
Please fill out the Volunteer section on our website contact page!
- Comment on our posts, as well as liking them.
- Post on our social media but also on your own.
- Your own posts reach more, but sharing from others really helps too!
- Consider doing a Facebook fundraiser or own event for the Pink House.
- Send a check to Support The Pink House Inc, 61 Pleasant Street, PO Box 131, Newburyport, MA 1950
- Use the Donate Button here on our website
Read our News Blog regularly on our website.
Join our Newsletter we do not share your information!